Thursday, November 26, 2009


I've read through my blog and all i can say is what the fuck? It's almost as if my posts involve me having a poll up my ass while writing this shit out. There's no real laid-back nature which i really enjoy, the posts feel forced and just don't really reflect myself at all, perhaps my interests but that's about it.

I'm even more annoyed that my dog finds it necessary to rub up against me it's that time of week again where suddenly everything just heats up all of a sudden. Which isn't due for another day, but whatever.

So, i think that's what the blogs about.

Here's a video of a song I've had in my head all day it's slightly repetitive which probably explains why it's been in my head all day. And yea... I'm a JJJ or FBi junkie when it comes to radio.

I totally just remembered about what i was going to post but then forgot to post. I've drawn a few pretty stupid comics in my spare time and i uploaded two online, they're crap quality because i got sick and tired of trying to do a good job at them and gave up on the perfectionism. I might try to at least straighten up the panels and draw with a better pen. This stuff goes under the name of Dick Lizard.

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