Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Music in 2009

Really didn't have a blog idea in hand for 2009 so... Here's this.

Music this year for me was the discovery of one of my favorite bands that i keep going back to again and again and their songs never get old. Just to wind back a second i began to listening to Rage and Triple J earlier during the year because i kinda got bored to Today FM and Triple M just because it was the same tracks over and over again. Anyways back to focus A Thing For Me by Metronomy has an interesting film clip and is just different to most of the other music i listened to, even though it is ELECTRONIC it's still fresh and unconventional.

Other things i listened to over the year is Blame Ringo filled with Acoustic Folk that in my opinion became this years best kept secret of Australian Music. I saw them when they did a laundromat tour with Steph, Angelina, Donna, Penny and probably someone else i forget about earlier this year.
I got into the Arctic Monkey's even though it took little or no effort to get into them. Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not and Favourite Worst Nightmare were and still are awesome albums today. Speaking about everyday things like spotting a girl from across the room with a horrible fake tan. Although i didn't even get their new album Humbug... But there's still 2 days left lol.

This year i also got into Led Zeppelin as funny as that sounds. Well, i just got further into them. Mainly listening to Led Zeppelin, Led Zeppelin II, Led Zeppelin VI and House of the Holy from start to finish. Instead of their greatest hit's albums. Another band i listened to a lot of is Muse, after getting tickets to BDO (with elliott) next year Muse was headlining so I've ripped all of their albums (cheers elliott) and listened to most of the songs from all the albums even The Resistance that only released this year. They will without a doubt be awesome next year. With their symphonic piano that makes orgasm in music to the booming bass guitar. Way better than that Lisa Mitchels act.

A few smaller mentions is Temper Trap who I've been listening to more and more recently along with Yves Klein Blue.


  1. Blame Ringo! looool That was the randomest day.....We just run into some random on the street and he's like Blame Ringo :O FOLLOW MEEEEEEE. And then we get to possibley be in one of their film clips :)

    I found a pic of us on their myspace ages ago too!

  2. I found a picture on Facebook. lol
