Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I figured since i seem to be only blogging once a month i'll un-creatively name my blogs in which month they were made.

Summer has JUST passed, it seems like yesterday we had hot weather, but the second the month turned over, February to March the temperature dropped to 24 and lower. I'm not complaining much, i enjoy wearing jeans, tracky dacks and whatever else. But i did enjoy the one off swim, aircon or just kicking back from a hot day.

I'll say my Soundtrack of Summer would be... Real Estate and their self-titled album, Real Estate. Although i got into the album start/mid February and did nothing during Summer it's still a good chill album.

Suburban Dogs - Real Estate

Now it's Autumn, the clouds are grey, winter-wear is out there and it seems slightly metaphorical that i happen to start Uni around this time... Which i dunno, Uni seems OK, i don't have assignments yet, but they've basically cautioned us by saying "Check the Learner's Guide online" So, i've done that. I guess just preparation and focus on assignments is the way to go, it'll pay off in Winter Break.

I probably should blog slightly more often so then my blogs aren't always big-ish... I kinda want to keep them smaller and less detail. And sound more lay man's like i usually talk, not all spelled up...

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Just to point this out but i think "February" is kinda spelled weird. Or difficult for me. In comparison to other months anyways.

Anyways, back to the blog about nothing.
The next few weeks will be the lead up to University. I've made it into a Bach of Music in UWS. Which i haven't mentioned (because i haven't blogged for less than a month)
I'm not overly nervous about it, i will be on the day or the night before. In the meantime I've just been bumming it out at home, working twice a week and whatever else.

Today became a bit of a slump where i just feel like i can't be bothered doing anything any more. Not that i'm doing anything, but ultimately being bothered is just not worth bothering for. I'm somewhat optimistic that perhaps when i start uni things will happen and i'll feel like i can be bothered. Or i'm just being optimistic and uni will just mean i'll be having assignments and having to study will just drag me down and i'll just be worse off.

The future at the moment is just filled with un-certainty. I know what i'm doing but i don't know where i'm going if that makes sense.

Friday, January 8, 2010

On Holiday

I'm going on holiday on the 9th to the 16th. 
So this is just a blog post saying i'll be away during then. 
I'm going down to Mollymook which is close to Ulladulla and further than Nowra that's real close to a beach and will be a nostalgic experience considering i used to go there every few months when my grandfather lived down there. So i'm pretty excited about driving down there tomorrow.

Other than that nothing else has been happening, i've been chilling, working and listening to albums lately - Addicted Romantic by Faker, Ragged and Ecstatic by Yves Klein Blue and Konks by the Kooks at the moment. All good albums. Surprisingly i'm into Addicted Romantic the most, it's heaps better than Faker's second album.

Anyways until next week unless i somehow get into someone else's wi-fi down there, i'll cya later. And will blog it later on probably.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Music in 2009

Really didn't have a blog idea in hand for 2009 so... Here's this.

Music this year for me was the discovery of one of my favorite bands that i keep going back to again and again and their songs never get old. Just to wind back a second i began to listening to Rage and Triple J earlier during the year because i kinda got bored to Today FM and Triple M just because it was the same tracks over and over again. Anyways back to focus A Thing For Me by Metronomy has an interesting film clip and is just different to most of the other music i listened to, even though it is ELECTRONIC it's still fresh and unconventional.

Other things i listened to over the year is Blame Ringo filled with Acoustic Folk that in my opinion became this years best kept secret of Australian Music. I saw them when they did a laundromat tour with Steph, Angelina, Donna, Penny and probably someone else i forget about earlier this year.
I got into the Arctic Monkey's even though it took little or no effort to get into them. Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not and Favourite Worst Nightmare were and still are awesome albums today. Speaking about everyday things like spotting a girl from across the room with a horrible fake tan. Although i didn't even get their new album Humbug... But there's still 2 days left lol.

This year i also got into Led Zeppelin as funny as that sounds. Well, i just got further into them. Mainly listening to Led Zeppelin, Led Zeppelin II, Led Zeppelin VI and House of the Holy from start to finish. Instead of their greatest hit's albums. Another band i listened to a lot of is Muse, after getting tickets to BDO (with elliott) next year Muse was headlining so I've ripped all of their albums (cheers elliott) and listened to most of the songs from all the albums even The Resistance that only released this year. They will without a doubt be awesome next year. With their symphonic piano that makes orgasm in music to the booming bass guitar. Way better than that Lisa Mitchels act.

A few smaller mentions is Temper Trap who I've been listening to more and more recently along with Yves Klein Blue.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas

I haven't blogged for a while. So here's a small thing i wrote as a reply to Hayley's blog.
It's just the world we live in, people on the streets, starvation and poverty overseas. The world is reaching boiling point and the economic crisis is causing interest rate rises.

I don't blame these kids for giving up on Christmas and growing up. Which... It's just depressing.

That could be why the positives of life like Christmas are so easily cherished. Because it's hope like that is all we can hold on to.

Why am i writing a reply to Hayley's blog here? Because, I've just figured out a reasonable answer to what Christmas is all about. I thought for a while it was just about Santa, the presents, and playing with my cousins, like any 10 year old kid would. I then thought it was an excuse to just hang out. 

I actually disliked Christmas for the last few years because i couldn't put up with my younger cousins. I just couldn't really stand the fact that they play all day. Giggling and having a great time. Living their innocence. While i just sit on the kids table, eating my food quietly, cracking a cracker and putting the plastic hat on. Just waiting to get home to let the headache fade away.

This year i got a taste of the spirit of Christmas, sure it wasn't full blown. But i went to a party and just enjoyed myself around people i enjoy and who are my friends. I say Merry Christmas and actually meant it. I used to feel as if i was lieing, just saying Merry Christmas because everyone else is. Now i feel good for doing it.

I took a part in two Secret Santas. As silly as they seem i just went along for the spirit of Christmas. One of them was for the McDonalds job i did one shift for. Because i just wanted to get involved.

And ultimately it's the hope, the feeling of giving love, and feeling loved at the same time. And the fun of seeing everyone's smiling faces and being good humored to gain a feel for the day.

Next year, i think I've got to hold a Christmas Party somewhere. Just for everyone to get together, have a swim, have a BBQ, socialise, exchange a secret santa, and just have a good time. Come to think of it... We don't need Christmas just to hang out. Really, all of the year everyone should be happier and take our time to have a great feast, catch up and enjoy ourselves. Life is only once. 

What started as a quote became a full-fledged post. So, i'll leave it there.

Everyone, have a top Christmas, take care and most of all just have some fun and hope.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


So, it's been a week or two. (PROBABLY TWO)

I think I've mentioned this (PROBABLY HAVEN'T)
But recently i got a job at Maccas or McDonalds, Maccy D's, whatever, and it's been pretty stupid, i did the online quiz and read the articles. Shoulda been paid for two hours but i didn't then i never got a call back to do orientation... so, being as curious as i am a week or more (PROBABLY MORE) later i called up and harassed their asses but the head manager wasn't there at all called again another day and he still wasn't there

So... eventually i got a hold of him and was told it would be on Tuesday this week WRONG it wasn't on Tuesday i even called to find out then today (Friday) i called just to get some feedback and... he called my place on a Wendesday which i don't know if he did or didn't and the orientation is conveniently in 4 hours i think, yea i've got plenty of time before the party tonight i go to the orientation and GUESS WHAT he isn't even there, thankfully i have connections working there so i got a shift and the shirt and pants without even doing orientation by the time i left there was atleast an additional 5 trainees asking about orientation as well, and my connections asked me what i was ordering and i explained that i thought orientation was on.

They had absolutely no clue orientation was even on. It just seems like this douchebag of a Head Manager just decided "Hey let's arrange an orientation! But let's not tell any of the staff to expect anyone, and secondly i'm going to go and fuck off a few hours beforehand." Like, seriously if you have something important on do it, or if you've got two important things on make sacrifices or at least explain that you are unable to make it and straighten things out so there is no confusion.

So, it's cool that i still got part of the uniform. Being the shirt and pants but no hat and apron. And at least i got some shifts going for the week after. So that's cool! I really am looking forward to working just to get an income and meet some new faces i spose.

I have also forgotten the other thing i was going to blog in here which freakin' sucks. So, yea until i blog again cya.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Let's do a December blog.

Well hello there!
It's December the sun is shining in the sky, it's getting hot... NOT!!! It's been somewhat sub-par with the whole temperature thing, which has been good. It hasn't been raining like it did 2 days ago or obnoxiously sunny and 40C temps so that's all good i guess.
Christmas is fast approaching, I've gone out and done some things related to gifts and what not. A trend i have noticed this year is calling Secret Santas "Kris Kringles" instead. I'm not going to get too caught up in this. But it's SECRET SANTA not Kris Kringle.
That's all i have worth saying for the time being in this "December" theme other than probably mentioning Fall Out Boy's Christmas song that i hope doesn't suddenly become popular and Sting's album called "Winter"

I saw "The Invention of Lieing" yesterday, i'll post opinions below and hide the text, don't read if you haven't seen it.
It was OK, the jokes about Masturbating and bagging out the main character were funny initially then became fucking boring, the movie dragged on i coulda sworn it woulda ended earlier, It was a good idea just not greatly executed. Also predictable ending.
I've begun to listen to Triple J Unearthed tracks recently. Just because i can't stand the same songs over and over on the radio. The same talks coming up like... Rihanna got beat up by Chris Brown and it happened this long ago but people keep bringing it up. Like-wise with Britney's lip syncing and whatever. It's annoying enough that these celebrities gain all this attention, but even more annoying that people need to keep bringing it up and ultimately bringing it up even just to bring it down. Hypocritical i know, because here i am using them as examples but you get my idea don't you? Like Twilight being out, i'm half annoyed at the people dissing the franchise because it just gives the movie more publicity than it already has with teenage girls already screaming over it. I'm going to stop mentioning these unless it comes up in a conversation. And hold back from bringing it up as well.

So like Triple J Unearthed. Here's some bands i think are good for the moment.
can you hear birds, flightless birds (last song on playlist in particular)
The Salvadors
The Barons of Tang
Georgia Fair

I think that sums up whatever i've been up to (which isn't much really). Expect a few more blogs, i just thought up a decent idea right now which might be ok.